
Tate Staples

ECE/CS Student

About Me

My name is Tate Staples and I am a pursuing a double major of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Duke University. I use computer science as a way to learn about how things work. My interests are in robotics and automation so this is a collection of some of my work.


Duke Humans and Autonomy Lab

Undergraduate Lab Assistant

Worked as an assitant that wrote programs for experiments on topics from autonomous vehicles, robotic arms, and more.

First Robotics Competition

Team Captian and Software Lead

Spent three years working with my student-led high school robotics team. The second two years I was a team lead and main programmer.


Duke University

Augest 2022-May 2026

Pending BSE in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science


Computer Assisted Robotic Arm Interface

Built a graphic interface that used an RGBD camera to assist the user in manipulating objects with a robot arm.

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Aircraft Carrier Simulation

This project was about simulating Aircraft Carriers to study what parameters could be manipulated in order to ensure faster and safer plane departures. Fascinating subject material and used languages like c# that I was previously inexperienced with.

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Data Analysis of Autonomous Vehicle Disengagement

This is a project for Duke's HAL lab. It was a fascinating topics on taking data from real cars and analyzing what causes Autonomous Driving systems to disengage. This project taught me the importance of skills like data cleaning, Matlab, and excel.

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FRC Robotics

Robotics was one of the most rewarding parts of high school for me. I learned a lot about control thoery, path planning, computer vision, and more. This project is over 11k lines of new code that one the Innovation in Control award for best software in North Carolina. I am really proud of what I accomplished, and I encourage you to read more.

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Reinforcement Learning - Snake

An early foray into the Machine Learning Space. This a custom built and trained Reinforcement learning agent that taught itself to play the game of snake.

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Board Games

An exploration of algorithms to solve various board games. This project includes Sodoku, Connect 4, chess, Minesweeper and more.

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Quantum Algorithms

Using Qiskit's python binding to explore the limits and capablities of some simple quantum algorithms. This is a really cool region of CS that will grow a lot over the next couple of years so I wanted to breifly explore it!

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My own graphics and physics engine. Taught me a lot of library design conecpts and how low-level graphics and collisions work. Also gave me the oppurunity to explore interesting problems like orbital modeling and weird collisions.

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Custom Interpreter

An interpreter written in C++ to read a file and run the code inside. All keywords in the file can be quickly be determined by a settings to allow for wacky code files.

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